A Quick Way to Encrypt a File in Windows XP
To encrypt a file in Windows XP, most people right-click the file, go to the Properties, click on Advanced, then click Encrypt contents to secure data. However, there's an easier method. You can add the Encrypt or Decrypt option to the shortcut menu so all you have to do is right-click on a file or folder and select Encrypt. If the file is already encrypted, the available option will change to Decrypt. You must be logged on with an account with administrator privileges and the volume must be formatted with NTFS in order for you to configure your computer for this feature.
1. Start the registry editor by typing regedit.exe in Start, Run.
2. Locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Explorer\Advanced
3. On the Edit menu, click New, DWORD VALUE.
4. Type EncryptionContextMenu as a name for the value.
5. Type 1 for the value date.
6. Close the registry editor. You do not need to reboot for the changes to be in affect.
7 Go to Windows Explorer and right-click a file or folder on the NTFS partition. You should see the Encrypt option on the shortcut menu.
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