Author: Zubair Alexander
Apple has settled a lawsuit in which it was accused of intentionally slowing down its customers' older iPhones to preserve the older batteries..
Tech support scams are nothing new. They've been around for ages. I am sure you have seen a popup window telling you that.
Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers in use today. Just like any other browser, I recommend customizing Google Chrome browser.
As we all know too well, hacking and data breaches are a daily occurrence these days. It's important that you don't let this.
Signal Private Messenger is a popular messaging app used by over 10 million people. It allows people to send encrypted text messages to.
Microsoft Outlook is a popular messaging application used by millions of users across the world. When you work with dozens, if not hundreds,.
LastPass is one of the most popular free password managers available today. There is a known issue with the LastPass extension in Google.
Microsoft Active Directory (AD) was released about 20 years ago with Windows Server 2000 on February 17, 2000. Additional flavors of AD were.