Video: Bill Gates’ Last Day at Microsoft

If you haven’t seen this funny Bill Gates video from Microsoft, check it out. According to Bill Gates, he asked his friends to prepare for his last day at Microsoft. There are appearances from several famous people in this video, including Matthew McConaughey, Bono, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Barack Obama, Former V.P. Al Gore, Steven Spielberg, George Clooney, comedian Jon Stewart, Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer and others.
Biography has some very interesting facts about Bill Gates. Here are some of the highlights.
- Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, WA.
- Got interested in computer programming in 1968 at the age of 13 when he was attending Lakeside School in Seattle.
- Wrote a tic-tac-toe program in BASIC computer language that allowed people to play against the computer.
- Bill and his schoolmate Paul Allen (who later founded Microsoft with Bill Gates) got into trouble for hacking into the school computers to get free computer time. Later Bill developed a payroll program for the same computer company.
- Wrote wrote a scheduling program for his school.
- At 15, made 20,000 with Paul Allen for the computer program they wrote called Traf-o-Data.
- Graduated from Lakeside School at 18 and scored 1590 out of 1600 on his college SAT test.
- Wanted to become a lawyer so he enrolled at Harvard University but he was more interested in computers and decided to drop out of Harvard.
- In 1975 he and Paul Allen started a company called Micro-Soft, an amalgamation of microcomputer and software.
- In 1976 Micro-Soft became Microsoft.
- In 1978, at the age of 23, moved Microsoft back to Bellevue, WA. He had 25 employees working for his company at that time and that year he made $2.5 million.
- Met 28 year old Melinda French in 1989 and married her on January 1, 1994 in Hawaii.
- In 1993, he became the richest man in America and held the title for 18 years.
- In 1994 Bill and Melinda established William H. Gates Foundation.
- Daughter Jennifer was born in 1996.
- In 2000, their foundation became Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation after contributing $28 billion.
- In 2000 he stepped down as the CEO and called himself Chief Software Architect. Steve Ballmer became the CEO.
- Bill’s last official day at Microsoft was June 27, 2008.
- In 2014 Bill Gates stepped down as the chairman of Microsoft.
Here’s an old picture of Bill in his younger days (courtesy of
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