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File Services Migration Toolkit (FSMT)


File Services Migration Toolkit (FSMT) is yet another free tool from Microsoft—I say “yet another” because I believe sometimes Microsoft doesn’t quite get the credit for providing gazillions of free tools to us. FSMT can be used to migrate data safely and reliably from one file server to another. The following information is posted on Microsoft’s Web site.

FSMT offers a step-by-step process, simplifying the task of migrating file services. It provides the necessary tools to help minimize the impact to users, resulting in a more manageable environment.

  • Simplify the task of moving data: FSMT helps the system administrator easily migrate and consolidate shared folders from servers running Windows NT Server 4.0, Windows 2000 family of servers, Windows 2003 family of servers, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Storage Server 2008 to a server running Windows Server 2003, Windows Storage Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008.

  • Minimize the impact on users: FSMT helps the system administrator configure new functionality in Distributed File System (DFS) to maintain the original Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path of files after they are moved to a new server through DFS consolidation roots. This reduces the impact of file server consolidation and migration, saves end users time spent searching for files, and ensures that line-of-business applications keep running.

  • More manageable and productive: FSMT is the tool that allows administrators to overcome data migration hurdles. While the benefits of consolidation or migration to a platform with better file services is the payoff, getting there can sometimes be overwhelming. By simplifying the task of moving data and keeping the impact on users to a minimum, the company is able to increase its overall ability to manage their file services. This creates a more productive environment both for users and those in charge of planning.

To find answers to common questions, and other valuable information, go to File Server Migration Toolkit page on Microsoft’s Web site.

You can download FSMT white paper here. The Microsoft File Server Migration Toolkit can be downloaded here.

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  1. Another case of misinformation and lack of support from Microsoft. At, it specifically states: “The File Server Migration Toolkit contains two step-by-step wizards that helps administrators migrate existing file servers to Windows Server 2008 R2 in an easier fashion and less error prone. FSMT can be used to migrate from Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003 R2, Windows 2008 to a new Windows Server 2008 R2 server.”

    But the whitepaper does not mention Windows 2000 and when launching the utility on a Windows 2000 server it states: “Microsoft File Server Migration Toolkit is not supported on this version of Windows.”

  2. FSMT itself feels complex and I never remember the full form of it! Windows file migration tool looks like a very complex task. My friend suggested me a software called GS Richcopy, its a paid software but it it affordable and provides overwhelming features like pre scheduled file transfer, email notification when task is done. This software is much better than any other software that I have used till date. Try it hope it helps!

  3. The transfer speed is quite low. I can’t imagine how much time will it take to transfer TB’s of data. I have used this software but I didn’t found it satisfying that’s why I switched to a reliable and effective one. I used GS Richcopy 360. Its simple to use, provides lots of features like long path name support which is necessary when copying huge files, copying locked files, multi threaded file transfer for fast transfer speed, pre scheduled file transfer, email notification when task is done and many more. Try it hope it helps!

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