How to Delete Inactive Profiles on Windows 7
A few years ago I wrote this article Deleting Old User Profiles in Windows 2000/XP/2003 about a User Profile Deletion utility called DelProf.exe. This tool is part of the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit. Because it was written for older operating systems it won't work on Windows Vista or later operating systems.
Lucky for us, Microsoft MVP Helge Klein has written a successor utility called DelProf2 that works with newer operating systems, such as Windows 7. DelProf2 works with Windows XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 2008/Windows 2008R2.
DelProf2 will even handle profiles that use long paths (i.e. MAX_PATH values of longer than 260). This tool is great if you want to get rid of old profiles that are taking disk space. It will delete all profiles except the current profile. It will leave the necessary system profiles (e.g. Default profile) alone. Default profile is used by the operating system to create a profile for a new user by making a copy of the Default profile. You also have the option to delete locally cached copies of roaming profiles or delete older profiles that have not been used for a certain period of time, such as older than 90 days.
Here is the syntax used by DelProf2.
Usage: delprof2 [/u] [/q] [/i] [/p] [/r] [/c:[\\]<computername>] [/d:<days>] /u Unattended (no confirmation) /q Quiet (no output and no confirmation) /i Ignore errors, continue deleting /p Prompt for confirmation before deleting each profile /r Delete local caches of roaming profiles only, not local profiles /c Delete on remote computer instead of local machine /d Delete only profiles not used in x days /l List only, do not delete (what-if mode)Helge has some nice examples on his site. You can use DelProf2 to delete inactive profiles remotely (including Windows 7 computers) using their IP addresses. DelProf2 is a free utility that can be downloaded from Helge's Web site. While you are at it, you might want to check out some additional tools that he has written.
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