How to Extend Windows Server 2008 R2 Evaluation Period to 240 Days

If you are trying to use an evaluation copy of Windows Server 2008 R2 (WS08R2), the following information will come handy.
You don’t have to provide the product key for WS08R2 evaluation version but you have to activate it within 10 days. The 10-day activation can be extended five (5) times by using the rearm command. After this time, you will need to uninstall the evaluation software and reinstall a fully-licensed version of WS08R2.
The activation is good for 60-days but you can extend it three times by using the rearm command, which will extend the original 60-day evaluation period by up to 180 days for a total possible evaluation time of 240 days. To check the time left on your current evaluation period run the Slmgr.vbs script that resides in the System32 folder. For example, run slmgr.vbs -dli to see the number of days that are left in the current 60-day evaluation period. To reset the evaluation period, run the command slmgr.vbs –rearm, and then restart the computer.
NOTE: If slmgr.vbs –rearm doesn’t work then try slmgr.vbs /rearm. Although the hyphen has worked for years, some people are reporting that the forward slash works for them.
When you can download the 180-day trial version of Windows Server 2008 R2, make sure you read the following notes on the download page.
“This software is for evaluation and testing purposes. The evaluation is available in ISO format. Web, Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter editions are available via the same download. You will be prompted for edition installation at setup. Evaluating any version of Windows Server 2008 R2 software does not require entering a product key, however will require activation within 10 days. Failing to activate the evaluation will cause the licensing service to shut the machine down every hour (The 10 day activation period can be reset five (5) times by using the rearm command. See below for further information on activation rearm). After this time, you will need to uninstall the evaluation software and reinstall a fully-licensed version of Windows Server 2008 R2.”
For more information on extending the evaluation period by using the rearm command, click here.
If you are interested in other evaluation products from Microsoft, click here.
Updated: November 19, 2018
Is it not possible to just enter a product key to change the evaluation version to a proper version?
Peter, the purpose of this article is to show you how you can extend the evaluation version of Windows Server 2008 R2. Evaluation versions can be downloaded at no cost and be used until the evaluation period expires. If you have already purchased the prodcut and have a product key then there is no need for you to install the evaluation version and this article doesn’t apply to you.
-rearm didn’t work for me, but /rearm did. Thanks!
@Manoel: Thanks for your feedback.