Interesting Errors, Bugs, and Messages

Have you run into some interesting errors or humorous Knowledge Base Articles lately? Well, I run into them once in a while. By the way, none of these are Photoshopped. There are all actual screenshots of Windows computers. Sometimes in the middle of an intense troubleshooting session you deserve a little relief. Check em’ out.
The reason for this error was that the operation completed successfully
This error was on my SharePoint server.
The Windows SharePoint Services Timer service depends on the Netlogon service which failed to start because of the following error:
The operation completed successfully.
The last time I used this program was 61 years from now
According to this screenshot from May 25, 2011 I used Adobe Acrobat Professional last time on April 23, 2072. That’s 61 years from now.
Last Used On 4/23/2072
Please stop disrupting our Web servers
Sometimes you need to slow down while surfing the Internet.
You’re disruptively hitting our Dell Factory Outlet web servers too fast, please slow down your incoming HTTP requests to our web servers. Thank you for your cooperation.
Upgrading to Windows XP may cause you to lose your cookies
Microsoft KB article 282850: Cookies Lost After Upgrading to Windows XP
More than 500 users in a group can cause gray hair
Microsoft KB article 281923: Hair color of the “person” icon for a user group becomes gray if the group contains more than 500 users
Network adapter doesn’t work if the cable is not connected
Microsoft KB article 228001: Network Adapter Does Not Work if Unplugged
Insert a blank, formatted disk into drive C
Microsoft KB article 830680: Forgotten Password Wizard Prompts You to Insert a Disk into Drive C
Microsoft Excel 2003 is part of the 2007 Microsoft Office system
Template download problem: “Microsoft Excel 2003 is part of the 2007 Microsoft Office system and can be obtained as follows:”
This is odd, and it also means no user configuration can be found.
This was a Windows Vista Event Viewer error. I guess, sometimes the software developers show a sense of humor, or perhaps they are surprised at the error message generated by their own code.
Select Multiple Radio Buttons in Active Directory
How can you possibly select multiple radio buttons in a window? For answer, check out my article Your Server Can Do This Too….
This Microsoft App Will Not Share Your Personal Data with Any Third-Party Service But it May Send it to Them
Last Updated: March 4, 2016
Copyright © 2016 SeattlePro Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved.
Thank you, this has brightened my Friday morning no end! I must remember to keep my screen clipping app handy and catch some of the weird errors I come across.