MCT 2011 NA Summit in San Francisco Oct 19-21 (W-F)

Microsoft is assisting MCTs in North America to offer 3 days of training for MCTs on the latest Microsoft products and technologies.The summit will be held at Microsoft’s Northwest District office in San Francisco (835 Market Street, Suite 700  San Francisco, CA 94103), Oct 19-21 (W and Th 9-5, F 9-noon). The cost is $350.
Presentations for developers, IT Pros, SQL, Office, and Personal Development will be given by fellow MCTs and presenters from Microsoft.  This year’s MCT Summit will include sessions to prepare MCTs for teaching Microsoft’s Cloud computing classes.  Another feature of this year’s MCT Summit will be half-day hands on labs. A Train the Trainer (TTT) session will occur on Tuesday Oct 18. If you are an MCP aspiring to become an MCT, attend the MCT Summit’s TTT session and become a MCT upon successful completion. To learn more about the MCT Certification requirements, visit Microsoft Learning’s MCT Certification page. Fee for the Train the Trainer session is $700 which includes the Train the Trainer class,  MCT Summit conference fee, and your first years MCT fee to Microsoft. Please Note: This year’s MCT NA Summit is the work of several dedicated MCTs with assistance from Microsoft, sponsors, and the IT professional association Pacific IT Professionals.  The MCT Summit is being offered by MCTs for MCTs; it is not a Microsoft event.