Microsoft Products Get Security Certified

Common Criteria, which is a set of well-known standards of assurance for sharing classified information among government agencies, has blessed Microsoft with their Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 4+ for several of Microsoft products. Common Criteria is an international standard and achieving EAL levels (which range from the low of 1 to a high of 7) is important for organizations interested in winning federal contracts. In the past the following Microsoft products received EAL 4+ certification. 1. Windows 2000 Server and Advanced Server 2. Windows 2000 Professional 3. Exchange Server 2003 4. Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 The following products received the EAL 4+ rating just recently. 1. Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (32-bit) with Service Pack 1. 2. Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (32-bit and 64-bit versions) with Service Pack 1. 3. Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition (32-bit and 64-bit versions) with Service Pack 1. 4. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Certificate Server, Certificate Issuing and Management Components (CIMC) (Security Level 3 Protection Profile, Version 1.0). 5. Microsoft Windows XP, Professional with Service Pack 2. 6. Microsoft Windows XP, Embedded with Service Pack 2.