Samsun Announces 5G mmWave Mobile Technology

Are you impressed with the 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) wireless speeds? Great. Then you are really going to like what Samsung Electronics announced yesterday. Samsung announced that they have developed the world's first adaptive array transceiver technology operating in the millimeter-wave Ka bands for cellular communications. This new mobile technology is supposed to provide blazing transmission speeds up to several hundred times faster than current 4G networks. Here's what Samsung has to say about this technology:
"It transmits data in the millimeter-wave band at a frequency of 28 GHz at a speed of up to 1.056 Gbps to a distance of up to 2 kilometers. The adaptive array transceiver technology, using 64 antenna elements, can be a viable solution for overcoming the radio propagation loss at millimeter-wave bands, much higher than the conventional frequency bands ranging from several hundred MHz to several GHz."
Before you run to the store looking for the new 5G Samsung phone, I should point out that the new technology won't be available for at least another 7 years.
"Samsung plans to accelerate the research and development of 5G mobile communications technologies, including adaptive array transceiver at the millimeter-wave bands, to commercialize those technologies by 2020."
Imagine watching 3D movies and games on your smart phone. How about real-time streaming of ultra high-definition (UHD) content? I have always believed that the wireless technology have been introduced to the consumers way before it was ready. We have been using cell phones for decades and still can't consistently get a reliable connection even in large cities. Not to mention the security issues related to the wireless. What about the speed? The vendors will sell you phones for $500-$800 so you can watch television or videos on your smart phone but its like watching black and white movies from the 20s on your expensive 3D television. Or using Skype instead of a video phone. You can read the entire story on Samsung's Web site here.