Should You Buy an iPhone or an Android?

Computer scientist, author and lecturer David Gewirtz wrote an interesting article today on ZDNet. He compares iPhone 4S to Android and expresses pros and cons of both platforms. Here's the gist of his article but you can read his entire article on ZDNet here. Android wins big time in customizability and support for high-speed 4G/LTE mobile broadband. iPhone 4S doesn't support these high-speed mobile broadband options. Android also wins in the removable battery and physical keyboard categories. iPhone 4S wins in the accessories category. Frankly, this is how Apples had made millions. They charge an exuberant amount of money for their accessories and because you are locked into Apple brand you can't go to the competition and purchase them at a lower price. Now you may consider the fact that Apples offers tons of accessories a big advantage for Apple but for me this alone is a reason not to purchase an iPhone 4S. Their prices for accessories are ridiculously high. However, I must say that that Apple offers some great accessories and they should get credit for that. Another category in which David rated iPhone 4S higher than Android is the camera. Well, I don't know about that. You see, the reason why iPhone users are so impressed by the 8MP camera in iPhone 4S is because iPhone 4 only had a 5MP camera and that's a big improvement. However, HTC EVO 4G already has an 8MP camera so I would consider this category a tie. The bottom line is this. In David's opinion iPhone 4S is a better choice than Androids in only two out of ten categories: Accessories and camera. In all other categories either the Android is a winner or it's a tie. Being an HTC EVO 4G user myself, I agree with David for the most part, except that when it comes to camera I would give Android an upper hand but give Apple an advantage over Android when it comes to the quality and abundance of accessories but definitely not in price. Believe it or not, I am a proud owner of a Mac and I think Apple makes great products. I also have great things to say about iPAD 2, except for the pathetic less than 1MP camera. However, I have never been too impressed with iPhones because I believe the phone and the accessories are way over-priced, the service has been unreliable, and the quality has not been that great. There is a reason why the Consumer Report said they can't recommend iPhone 4 because they are flawed. My opinion: I am an Android user so iPAD yes, iPhone No! If you are interested in reading more about iPhones, check out some of my previous posts on iPhones. You might also be interested in Sharee English's blog To iPhone or not to iPhone.
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